Body Intelligence Ϟ Emotional Hacking

Online Programs


Corporate Program

We live in times of high demand, at work, in our families, and inner selves.

The sessions will increase your vitality, respecting your physical, emotional, and mental structure. You will have tools to manage your stress, and anxiety, sleep better and have more focus and disposition during the day.

During the sessions, we explore fundamental skills such as mindful breathing, focus, body awareness, relaxation, fitness and vitality, and interpersonal skills - stress management, emotional stability, mental clarity, and programming life goals.

More information here

Breathwork Week

During this breathwork week, I will guide you through simple techniques to help you manage your emotions and feel relaxed and centred.

This is what to expect: Boosts mood, creates mental clarity, improves concentration, builds mental strength, reduces stress and anxiety, enhances creativity, and improves sleep quality.

More information here

Breathwork & Meditation

There is nothing more essential to our health and well-being than breathing.

Join me for an online session to rejuvenate your body and invigorate your mind. 

Sculpt yourself in all dimensions (body + emotions + mind) 

The session will focus on mindfulness practise, breathing, stretching, stress reduction, and meditation techniques, developing a healthy lifestyle.


More information here

Relax and Reprogram

Guided meditations to help you with anxiety and stress.

Relax your body while reprogram your mind for stability, grounding, strength, harmony

tranquility, focus and infinite consciousness.

Realize renewed energy and your body grounding, clear mind and emotions tranquil.

More information here

Conecta-te com o teu corpo [programa de 21 dias]

Se também és um explorador da vida, apaixonado pela expansão do teu ser e pela conexão com o corpo, este programa é perfeito para ti. Ao longo de 21 dias, vais mergulhar nas filosofias ancestrais que nos ensinam sobre o potencial humano e a conexão profunda com o universo. Deixa que a matemática dos mistérios do corpo e da mente te guie nesta jornada de autoconhecimento. Descobre como desvendar esses mistérios e expandir o teu ser com a minha orientação. Estás pronto para esta viagem incrível?

Mais informação aqui