
Body Intelligence Ϟ Life Hacking


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Mindfulness & Movimento

Vivência-laboratório para explorar as nossas habilidades inatas enquanto ser humano e descobrir o potencial do nosso corpo. Somos “Human beings” e não “Human doings”.
Em total conexão com o nosso corpo tornamo-nos criativos, inovadores, intuitivos e expansivos.
Nesta jornada exploramos o centramento ao corpo, a estabilidade emocional e clareza mental, e a canalização da energia para tudo o que está alinhado com o nosso ser.
Somos a inteligência do universo materializada em nossos corpos.
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Mind & Body Training

Integrate physical and mental body, training focus, mental resilience, strength, inner attitude and self-surpass.

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Breathing Journey

Breathing mindful journey through techniques to embrace your emotions, feel energise, relaxed and centred.

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Conscious Movement and Subtle Practise

Either in practice or in life a human being is an eternal going. We are the intelligence of the universe materialized in our bodies.

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mindfulness, Meditation & Mindset

Skill lab to focus, on creativity, innovation, intuition, stress management, emotional stability, mental clarity and mindset reprogramming.

you are a humanbeing

Magnetism and Multipotentiality : the path from Freedom to Purpose

Analysis and reflection about our sacred routines and their impact on our life and personal fulfilment.

We will walk ”behind the scenes” of Ericeira to discover the well-hidden path to the majestic cliff overlooking Foz of Lizandro and Praia de São Julião.

Unforgettable Alchemical Experiences in Ericeira, Portugal

100% individually tailored programme with flexible time, hugely supportive for your personal improvement and wellbeing.

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